Things to Know

Enhance your beauty and get overall new Appeareance

A Cosmetic Surgery Center is a surgical facility dedicated only to Cosmetic Surgery and therefore, offers high quality in the nursing team, anesthesia and post-op care available. Having surgery in a surgical facility gives you peace of mind, as the staff is completely geared up to deal with cosmetic surgery patients and every procedure & protocol is worked up to its minutest detail. A centre dedicated to Cosmetic Surgery also has less patient traffic thus maintaining complete confidentiality and greater testability.

The ideal candidate for aesthetic surgery is an individual who recognizes a specific area in which his or her appearance could be improved and has a strong personal desire to make a change. This personal desire may be influenced to some degree by the individual’s role in society. Because our culture is youth-oriented, people seek ways to counter the effects of aging on their appearance. Many elect surgery to look as young as they feel, to build confidence after a lifestyle change or to retain their edge against younger competitors. Whatever your reasons for choosing aesthetic surgery, it is important to have realistic expectations The best surgeon in the world can’t help you if your motivation is wrong, or if your expectations are unrealistic. Most importantly, you should be doing it for yourself. Not for your spouse, your children, your friends or anyone else. Secondly, you should be doing it for the right reasons. Cosmetic surgery cannot save a bad marriage. It won’t turn you into a movie star, and it won’t turn an unhappy life into a happy one. But there’s a lot it can do. It can improve your looks. It can help you look as young as you feel. And sometimes it can even boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. The rest is up to you. You should be realistic about what you’ll look like afterwards. Cosmetic surgery deals in improvement – not in perfection. If you can accept that, your surgery will be successful. If your expectations are realistic and you’re doing it for the right reasons, the chances are excellent that you will be happy with your results.

Anyone can call themselves a “Cosmetic surgeon.” What is the doctor’s background? Is the doctor Board Certified in Plastic Surgery ( MCh or D.N.B Plastic Surgery) or is he/she a General Surgeon(M.S.), Dentist(B.D.S.,M.D. S.), Dermatologist (M.D,D.V.D) , or Ears Nose and Throat (M.S.ENT) Surgeon. Any doctor may be trained in doing some aspects of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery. Ask specific questions about the doctor’s training. Insist on certain qualifications. Has he done a fellowship training or specialized training in the procedures you want performed? A specialist does the same procedures far more often and therefore has greater experience and skill than most surgeons. Board Certification by the Indian Board of Plastic Surgery takes years of education,careful testing of skills and broad training in the field of plastic surgery for another 3 years, following the 3 years basic training in the above mentioned specialities. Carefully evaluate the proposed surgery and the surgeon himself before proceeding.It would be wise to do some homework as your awareness is your greatest protection. Interview several and choose one who has credentials and certification in Plastic Surgery recognised by The Medical Council of India. During your consultation, it is important to establish a rapport with the surgeon since you place total confidence in that doctor’s ability. Select a surgeon who compares alternatives, explains clearly what will be done for you and the rationale for the approach selected. Be sure he discusses convalescence, possible risks and complications. Choose a surgeon who communicates,has an aesthetic taste and an artistic sense compatible with yours & has a clear understanding of your desired result.

Whichever cosmetic surgical procedure you have done, it will require anesthesia as it is an integral part of your surgical experience to make it painless and anxiety-free. With general anesthesia the patient is put to sleep. This anesthesia is usually associated with “bigger” operations. With local anesthesia , a specific area of the body is numbed by the local injection of medication at the site where the surgery will be performed. Today, with the great advances in anesthesia, an entire spectrum exists between local and general anesthesia to eliminate pain and minimize anxiety. Here’s how it works: Before the operation, an anesthesiologist visits the patient. A sedative or tranquilizer(Valium, for example), may be given orally. This induces a pleasant state of drowsiness.A thin intravenous catheter is inserted into a vein in the arm. This open pipeline is imperative during any surgery, should the patient require additional medication for any reason. Additional sedation may be given through the intravenous catheter. This allows the local anesthesia (given in the operating room) to be injected without any unpleasant sensations. The local anesthesia is then injected into the area where the operation will take place, along with a small amount of adrenaline, which causes the blood vessels of the area to constrict. This helps to minimize bleeding, while the anesthetic “blocks” or “freezes” the tissues so no pain is felt. The drowsiness induced by the intravenous sedative may become a twilight sleep. Some patients experience a sense of well-being bordering on euphoria. Others may feel completely unconscious, even though, medically speaking, they are only lightly anesthetized. They can respond to commands and even answer questions. When performing cosmetic surgery on the face, most surgeons prefer this state to total unconsciousness because the operation is done on a face that is not completely relaxed.(The muscles of a deeply anesthetized face are so relaxed that they lose their usual tone.) The patients wakefulness also allows the surgeon to give commands (look up; look down; open your mouth; show me your teeth, raise your eyebrows), and the amount of excess tissue to be removed is more easily estimated. Another advantage of sedation is that medications may be used to block out all memory of the operation. The patient recalls either a pleasant twilight state or remembers nothing. The patient is comfortably relaxed during the operation. Breathing, heartbeat, and other vital functions remain strong and steady the entire time. Some patients prefer being put to sleep. They want their surgery in a state of complete oblivion, wishing to wake up without any memory of the operation. Others prefer being fully aware of everything in the operating room. They want to retain a sense of control over mind and body, wishing to recall the surgery clearly and completely. These patients may request minimal sedation – enough for relaxation – but not enough to cause drowsiness. A pain-free procedure does not guarantee that there will be no anxiety. Some find lying or sitting back (in a dental chair in an operating room) very trying, even though it is painless. There is no need to endure anxiety during an operation! It is important to know that the combination of anesthetics can alleviate this. By regulating the amount of sedative given, the patient can be made to feel comfortably anxiety-free while surgery proceeds painlessly.

There may be some after effects of anesthesia. Some people have a slight feeling of nausea during the immediate postoperative period. This will pass quickly. Some people may vomit, but this is infrequent. Some patients may feel slightly lethargic for the first few hours after surgery. This will wear off. These possible consequences of anesthesia are not necessarily dose-related. Rather, they depend on how much you individually react to the anesthesia. Some people may have after effects even with slight amounts of sedation. These minor problems make it mandatory that you be observed during the immediate post-operative period by a trained nursing staff.

Although some of the procedures described appear to be relatively simple operations, it is essential for you to understand that aesthetic surgery, like all surgery, has attendant risks.Plastic surgeons perform thousands of successful aesthetic procedures each week, but in some cases a patient can have an adverse reaction to the anesthetic or be affected by postoperative complications such as blood clots, infection or poor healing. These problems can occur even when the surgeon has performed the operation with the utmost skill. Occasionally, surgical revisions may be desirable to achieve optimal results. It is important to remember that aesthetic surgery molds and reshapes living tissue, and the results are not absolutely predictable. Even the best surgeon cannot offer risk-free surgery nor guarantee a perfect result.

Your surgeon will inform you of any restrictions to your normal activities following surgery. In general, you should curtail strenuous exercise and other activities that raise your blood pressure, including bending, for several days to weeks (depending on what type of surgery was performed). The most common concern is an uncomfortable feeling, not pain. Pain is surprisingly minimal and easily controlled with medication. Mild analgesics are used in most cases, but stronger medication is given when necessary. It takes time as well for the visible signs of healing to subside. .Do not expect to see the final results of your surgery right away. Complete maturation of the surgical area takes more than one year, though in most cases after one or two weeks, only the patient and physician can detect the surgical incision. Plan your social activities to allow sufficient time for recovery. Remember,Time is the greatest healer.

The results achieved in some aesthetic procedures, such as surgery of the nose, ears and chin, are permanent. In others, particularly those that diminish the effects of aging, results may be long-lasting but not permanent. Your aesthetic plastic surgeon may be able to turn back the clock but cannot stop it from running. Dispelling the Myths Have you ever wanted to improve your appearance? Cosmetic surgery can give you that increased confidence, helping you feel more attractive and improving your quality of life. There may be one reason or another that has caused you to dismiss cosmetic surgery as a viable option. At our office, your needs and concerns come first. With that in mind, we’ve developed this information to dispel some common myths and misconceptions, and show you what Plastic and Cosmetic surgery have to offer you.


While reducing caloric intake and engaging in regular exercise can lower your weight, you still may find areas of your body that do not react the way you want. Structural change requires something more. Cosmetic surgery can be used in conjunction with proper diet and regular exercise to shape that fat on your body that just won’t go away. We’ll work with you to discuss your specific needs and show you how cosmetic surgery can help you. Each patient begins their experience with a detailed, in-depth consultation with our team to examine problem areas and determine what kinds of options are available.


Cosmetic surgery is as much an art as it is a science. We practice using advanced techniques that allow us to enhance your appearance in a variety of ways, from subtle to drastic.

The benefits of cosmetic surgery can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Early correction of developmental abnormalities such as cleft lip or protruding ears can save a child from the psychosis of years of taunting. Adults can greatly boost their self-confidence and improve quality of life at any age. We take pride in making people of all ages and all walks of life feel good.

A Cosmetic Surgery Center is a surgical facility dedicated only to Cosmetic Surgery and therefore, offers high quality in the nursing team, anesthesia and post-op care available. Having surgery in a surgical facility gives you peace of mind, as the staff is completely geared up to deal with cosmetic surgery patients and every procedure & protocol is worked up to its minutest detail. A centre dedicated to Cosmetic Surgery also has less patient traffic thus maintaining complete confidentiality and greater testability.

It’s difficult to put a price on happiness or on the quality of life. Cosmetic surgery is a choice that will allow you to realize your full potential, and to become the “you” you always wanted to be. In order to calculate the true value of cosmetic surgery, it’s necessary to consider all the costs — financial, physical and emotional — associated with the alternative. Cosmetic surgery is very affordable in India and costs are much lower when compared to the US, UK and other countries. And while most insurance policies and Medicare do not cover cosmetic surgery, some reconstructive plastic surgery is covered under insurance. Call us for pricing. See how affordable cosmetic surgery can be for you.

Two of the most frequently asked, contested and debated questions when considering cosmetic surgery are,”How much?” & ‘How much less?”.Often, patients choose their surgeon on the basis of price. This would be risky. There’ s no mandated training for a general surgeon to hang out his shingle as a cosmetic surgeon. It would be wise to do some homework. Interview several and choose one who has credentials and certification in Plastic Surgery recognised by The Medical Council of India {MCh or D.N.B.(Plastic Surgery)} When considering expense, do remember: A surgeon asking a low fee may well be offering less care ,services or facilities. Your good health and appearance are precious, so why would you toss them into the hands of an unqualified person? Acquiring and maintaining a high quality, state of the art surgical facility is expensive, as is using the best anesthetics and instruments. These costs have to be figured into the surgical fees charged. You surely would want the best for yourself and nothing else. Cosmetic surgery is very affordable in India and costs are much lower when compared to the US,UK or any other country the world over. Thus, although price is one of the considerations in your choice of surgeon, it is important to remember that the main consideration should be your surgeon’s professional qualifications and experience, especially when one is considering Cosmetic Surgery in India. Your surgeon’s skill can make all the difference between a good result and one which will require subsequent correction and additional expense.

Not necessarily true. Innovations are constantly being tried, but to determine which technique is best, studies must be done over a period of time, on enough patients, then peer-reviewed and published in reputable journals. Publication leads to more surgeons trying it out, which leads to more results that can be further studied and in this way we arrive at more certain knowledge of which techniques work the best, and for which purposes. Therefore we need to give the newer techniques & technology some time to prove themselves. Having said that,

“Everything new may not necessarily be good, but, everything good was once new.”

Blepharoplasty FAQ's

Also known as surgery on the eyelid, blepharoplasty is an operative procedure devised to provide a younger look to the eyes. It is achieved by the removal of excess fat, skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. Fat of the lower eyes may be repositioned to prevent a “hollow eye” appearance following lower eyelid fat removal. The procedure may also enhance vision in situations where excess skin of the upper eyelids has sagged to the degree that it hinders with peripheral vision.

If you feel that your eyes have become tired-looking, you may be able to rejuvenate them with either procedure. Eyelid surgery is recommended when the eyelids are sagging due to excess skin. A browlift is recommended when the eyebrows have begun to droop and cause the eyelids to appear wrinkled and tired. Or how about both? The results of each may be subtle and natural looking, but together, you can have a dramatic result that can subtract years from your look!

No. A blepharoplasty procedure can be performed for anyone who feels that age, lifestyle, or genetics have contributed to tired-looking eyes. In order to qualify for an eyelid lift, you must have loose or excess skin in the upper or lower eyelid areas.

It will not help.There are other procedures developed for elevating a drooping eyebrow or elminating wrinkles around the eyes and Blepharoplasty is not one of them.

Blepharoplasty can slightly help with the dark circles under the eye that are caused by large bags. But the darkness of the lower eyelid skin usually stays even after blepharoplasty. In this case, then chemical peels and laser resurfacing can help.

If necessary. Usually, patients will choose to have either an upper blepharoplasty, targeting just the upper eyelids, a lower blepharoplasty, targeting only the lower eyelids, or a combination, targeting all tissue, and the results are not absolutely predictable. Even the best surgeon cannot offer risk-free surgery nor guarantee a perfect result.

Many of our eyelid surgery patients choose to supplement their procedure with another facial rejuvenation treatment for an incredibly refreshed, younger-looking face. Combine your surgery with a browlift, facial implants, or facelift to save time and money.

Blepharoplasty is considered to be an outpatient procedure and there is not requirement to stay overnight..

There are scars involved with Blepharoplasty just as there is with the majority of other types of surgery. Normally though the scars are hardly seen after a few months and this is because the incisions are put in the normal creases and folds of the upper and lower eyelids. For those patients that only have to have fat removed from their lower eyelids may have incisions made on the inside of their eyelid and therefore having scars going on detectable.

Since the fat around the eyes will not regrow after being removed, the results of blepharoplasty are usually long lasting.

If you feel that your eyes have become tired-looking, you may be able to rejuvenate them with either procedure. Eyelid surgery is recommended when the eyelids are sagging due to excess skin. A browlift is recommended when the eyebrows have begun to droop and cause the eyelids to appear wrinkled and tired. Or how about both? The results of each may be subtle and natural looking, but together, you can have a dramatic result that can subtract years from your look!

No. A blepharoplasty procedure can be performed for anyone who feels that age, lifestyle, or genetics have contributed to tired-looking eyes. In order to qualify for an eyelid lift, you must have loose or excess skin in the upper or lower eyelid areas.

It will not help.There are other procedures developed for elevating a drooping eyebrow or elminating wrinkles around the eyes and Blepharoplasty is not one of them.

Two of the most frequently asked, contested and debated questions when considering cosmetic surgery are,”How much?” & ‘How much less?”.Often, patients choose their surgeon on the basis of price. This would be risky. There’ s no mandated training for a general surgeon to hang out his shingle as a cosmetic surgeon. It would be wise to do some homework. Interview several and choose one who has credentials and certification in Plastic Surgery recognised by The Medical Council of India {MCh or D.N.B.(Plastic Surgery)} When considering expense, do remember: A surgeon asking a low fee may well be offering less care ,services or facilities. Your good health and appearance are precious, so why would you toss them into the hands of an unqualified person? Acquiring and maintaining a high quality, state of the art surgical facility is expensive, as is using the best anesthetics and instruments. These costs have to be figured into the surgical fees charged. You surely would want the best for yourself and nothing else. Cosmetic surgery is very affordable in India and costs are much lower when compared to the US,UK or any other country the world over. Thus, although price is one of the considerations in your choice of surgeon, it is important to remember that the main consideration should be your surgeon’s professional qualifications and experience, especially when one is considering Cosmetic Surgery in India. Your surgeon’s skill can make all the difference between a good result and one which will require subsequent correction and additional expense

Not necessarily true. Innovations are constantly being tried, but to determine which technique is best, studies must be done over a period of time, on enough patients, then peer-reviewed and published in reputable journals. Publication leads to more surgeons trying it out, which leads to more results that can be further studied and in this way we arrive at more certain knowledge of which techniques work the best, and for which purposes. Therefore we need to give the newer techniques & technology some time to prove themselves. Having said that,

“Everything new may not necessarily be good, but, everything good was once new.”

Non-surgical (Botox) FAQ's

,® is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is a nonsurgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people 18 to 65 years of age. During treatment, very low doses of ,® are administered via a few tiny injections directly into the muscles that cause those stubborn lines. The treatment is usually done in about 10 minutes, and no recovery time is needed. Within days, you may see an improvement that can last up to 4 months. Results may vary.

Those moderate to severe frown lines between your brows form over time as the result of muscle activity. ,® is injected directly into the muscles. It is most often used on forehead lines, crow’s feet (lines around the eye) and frown lines. It works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected muscles; this reduces the activity of the muscles that cause those persistent lines to form.

Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to a month, and results can last for up to 4 months. Nearly 90% of men and women rated the improvement in their appearance as moderate to better 1 month after treatment. Results may vary.

Results from treatment with ,® can last for up to 4 months. If you discontinue treatment, the frown lines between your brows gradually will look like they did before treatment.

Any authorized healthcare professional can administer ,®, but plastic surgeons & dermatologists, specializing in cosmetic procedures are generally more experienced. One of these physicians can help you decide if ,® is right for you.

Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Prior to injecting, we may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes. People are in and out of the office without downtime following ,® treatment.

Patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a neurological disease should not use Botox.. ,® should not be used in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation.

Temporary bruising is the most common side effect. Headaches, which resolve in 24-48 hours, can occur, but this is rare. A small percentage of patients may develop eyelid drooping. This usually resolves in three weeks. This development is usually caused by migration of the Botox and for this reason, you shouldn’t rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection or lay down for three to four hours. There have been no allergies associated with Botox to date.

Although the results are visible, a treatment with ,® will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you “had work done.” The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is simply reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases between your brows.

If you do not continue treatments, the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows will gradually look like they did before treatment.ient with an unusual hollow-eyed appearance. Equally, if the eyelid skin is pulled too tight, distortion in the contour of the lid can result.

When considering your facial aesthetic options, ,® is quite affordable. According to an American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery survey, ,® is one of the low-entry-cost facial aesthetic procedures in the United States. Like other appearance-related investments, such as hair coloring and cuts, teeth whitening, and chemical peels, the cost must be weighed relative to your expectations.

beautiful women face

Non-surgical (Botox) FAQ's

The surgeon most qualified to perform breast augmentation surgeries are certified Plastic surgeons. It is important to get information regarding the surgeon’s training. Can the surgeon perform this procedure in a major hospital in your city? What do other patients say about the surgeon’s ability to communicate and his level of care post-operatively? What I try to emphasize most to anyone considering breast augmentation is that you TRUST your plastic surgeon, and that you and your plastic surgeon have EXACTLY the same idea of how you want your breasts to turn out. Finally, you must feel they can accomplish the result you desire; the result that will make you happy. Is it necessary to wait until after having children before having breast augmentation surgery? No, it is a matter of choice for each woman. More than half of patients perform the surgery before having children and the majority of them have no problems breast feeding afterwards. The incisions used are small and the surgeon attempts to minimise the amount of disruption of the glands to the nipple/areola (which occurs especially following the peri areolar approach) The underlying breast implant does not harm the breast fed baby in any way.

Breast augmentation can be performed on 18 years old and older, and older. You are NEVER too old to improve the appearance of your breasts.

It can be feasible for breast implants to have a negative affect in regards to breast-feeding ( following a peri areolar approach).A postpartum lift may be needed since pregnancy can change the look of augmented breasts.

When a woman has breast implants there is generally a partially obstructed view of some breast tissue and, therefore, there is a theoretical possibility of interference with breast cancer detection (detection of a lump). In practice, however, women with implants do not have a higher chance of a missed cancer detection. Women with breast implants should have their mammograms performed by a mammography technologist who is experienced in performing mammograms on women with breast implants. Be sure to tell your technologist that you have breast implants so that they will know to take additional views of the breast and additional care with the implants. With or without breast implants, the major reasons for non-detection are a) not performing self-examination, b) not having regular mammograms and c) denial.

Because it is a cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation is usually not covered by insurance; however if it is used after a mastectomy (removal of breast following a diagnosis of Ca Breast) for the purpose of breast reconstruction some companies may offer some sort of coverage.

Nowadays, implants typically contain a silicone shell and are generally full of a saline solution. Only in particular cases are silicone gel-filled implants used as they are restricted by the US FDA. Styles of implants include difference in size, shape and consistency. The implants shape can be contoured like a tear-drop or round. The consistency can be silky or grainy. Which style is best suited for you depends on personal situation. Your surgeon can help you with deciding.

The many possible sites incisions are put are: periareolar (around the nipple); inframammary (within the crease beneath the breast); or axillary (below the armpit). Depending on a few factors, your incisions will be determined with the help from your surgeon.

The size that a patient decides to achieve is a very personal decision. Many a time the patient wishes to achieve a “natural look” to simply improve the proportionality of the upper and lower body. Some patients, however, want a “round” look. For these patients a “natural look” is not a priority and they are not concerned if other people know that they have had a breast augmentation. There are a lot of things to consider when thinking of implant size and because of that, your surgeon is there to help you make the right choice. Yet, many patients find that size choosing is the most hardest decision. An idea to to help you decide may be to begin looking at photos in magazines to help yourself better determine the shape and size that you think is eye-catching. Another idea may be to get a few different sized bras and fill them with padding to see which size you feel most comfortable in. Often discussing “cup size” is useful but one must be careful since “cup size” depends on the manufacturer of the bra.

When deciding on the extent of the implant, it is imperative that you consider what amount your own body can make room for. Those that do not have tissue that exists and opt for an extremely big implant may have results that can effortlessly be noticed and felt through the skin. Also, breasts that have very big implants can become droopy too early just like naturally big breasts do.

Two choices for the implant placement is subglandular (above the chest muscle) and submuscular(below the chest muscle). There are benefits to them both and picking the correct one is figured out with the help of your surgeon.

Not meant to last forever, implants may over time need surgery to remove and/or be replaced. They can give way any given moment even though there are people who consider they have a life span of about 10 years. There are a few implant manufacturers that give some form of guarantee that could consist of replacing the implant if required.

Breast augmentation can be performed on 18 years old and older, and older. You are NEVER too old to improve the appearance of your breasts.

Breast augmentation can be performed on 18 years old and older, and older. You are NEVER too old to improve the appearance of your breasts.

It can be feasible for breast implants to have a negative affect in regards to breast-feeding ( following a peri areolar approach).A postpartum lift may be needed since pregnancy can change the look of augmented breasts.

When a woman has breast implants there is generally a partially obstructed view of some breast tissue and, therefore, there is a theoretical possibility of interference with breast cancer detection (detection of a lump). In practice, however, women with implants do not have a higher chance of a missed cancer detection. Women with breast implants should have their mammograms performed by a mammography technologist who is experienced in performing mammograms on women with breast implants. Be sure to tell your technologist that you have breast implants so that they will know to take additional views of the breast and additional care with the implants. With or without breast implants, the major reasons for non-detection are a) not performing self-examination, b) not having regular mammograms and c) denial.

Because it is a cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation is usually not covered by insurance; however if it is used after a mastectomy (removal of breast following a diagnosis of Ca Breast) for the purpose of breast reconstruction some companies may offer some sort of coverage.

Nowadays, implants typically contain a silicone shell and are generally full of a saline solution. Only in particular cases are silicone gel-filled implants used as they are restricted by the US FDA. Styles of implants include difference in size, shape and consistency. The implants shape can be contoured like a tear-drop or round. The consistency can be silky or grainy. Which style is best suited for you depends on personal situation. Your surgeon can help you with deciding

The many possible sites incisions are put are: periareolar (around the nipple); inframammary (within the crease beneath the breast); or axillary (below the armpit). Depending on a few factors, your incisions will be determined with the help from your surgeon.

The size that a patient decides to achieve is a very personal decision. Many a time the patient wishes to achieve a “natural look” to simply improve the proportionality of the upper and lower body. Some patients, however, want a “round” look. For these patients a “natural look” is not a priority and they are not concerned if other people know that they have had a breast augmentation. There are a lot of things to consider when thinking of implant size and because of that, your surgeon is there to help you make the right choice. Yet, many patients find that size choosing is the most hardest decision. An idea to to help you decide may be to begin looking at photos in magazines to help yourself better determine the shape and size that you think is eye-catching. Another idea may be to get a few different sized bras and fill them with padding to see which size you feel most comfortable in. Often discussing “cup size” is useful but one must be careful since “cup size” depends on the manufacturer of the bra.


When deciding on the extent of the implant, it is imperative that you consider what amount your own body can make room for. Those that do not have tissue that exists and opt for an extremely big implant may have results that can effortlessly be noticed and felt through the skin. Also, breasts that have very big implants can become droopy too early just like naturally big breasts do.

Two choices for the implant placement is subglandular (above the chest muscle) and submuscular(below the chest muscle). There are benefits to them both and picking the correct one is figured out with the help of your surgeon.

Not meant to last forever, implants may over time need surgery to remove and/or be replaced. They can give way any given moment even though there are people who consider they have a life span of about 10 years. There are a few implant manufacturers that give some form of guarantee that could consist of replacing the implant if required.

Breast augmentation can be performed on 18 years old and older, and older. You are NEVER too old to improve the appearance of your breasts.

It can be feasible for breast implants to have a negative affect in regards to breast-feeding ( following a peri areolar approach).A postpartum lift may be needed since pregnancy can change the look of augmented breasts.

When a woman has breast implants there is generally a partially obstructed view of some breast tissue and, therefore, there is a theoretical possibility of interference with breast cancer detection (detection of a lump). In practice, however, women with implants do not have a higher chance of a missed cancer detection. Women with breast implants should have their mammograms performed by a mammography technologist who is experienced in performing mammograms on women with breast implants. Be sure to tell your technologist that you have breast implants so that they will know to take additional views of the breast and additional care with the implants. With or without breast implants, the major reasons for non-detection are a) not performing self-examination, b) not having regular mammograms and c) denial.

Because it is a cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation is usually not covered by insurance; however if it is used after a mastectomy (removal of breast following a diagnosis of Ca Breast) for the purpose of breast reconstruction some companies may offer some sort of coverage.

Nowadays, implants typically contain a silicone shell and are generally full of a saline solution. Only in particular cases are silicone gel-filled implants used as they are restricted by the US FDA. Styles of implants include difference in size, shape and consistency. The implants shape can be contoured like a tear-drop or round. The consistency can be silky or grainy. Which style is best suited for you depends on personal situation. Your surgeon can help you with deciding.

The many possible sites incisions are put are: periareolar (around the nipple); inframammary (within the crease beneath the breast); or axillary (below the armpit). Depending on a few factors, your incisions will be determined with the help from your surgeon.

The size that a patient decides to achieve is a very personal decision. Many a time the patient wishes to achieve a “natural look” to simply improve the proportionality of the upper and lower body. Some patients, however, want a “round” look. For these patients a “natural look” is not a priority and they are not concerned if other people know that they have had a breast augmentation. There are a lot of things to consider when thinking of implant size and because of that, your surgeon is there to help you make the right choice. Yet, many patients find that size choosing is the most hardest decision. An idea to to help you decide may be to begin looking at photos in magazines to help yourself better determine the shape and size that you think is eye-catching. Another idea may be to get a few different sized bras and fill them with padding to see which size you feel most comfortable in. Often discussing “cup size” is useful but one must be careful since “cup size” depends on the manufacturer of the bra.

When deciding on the extent of the implant, it is imperative that you consider what amount your own body can make room for. Those that do not have tissue that exists and opt for an extremely big implant may have results that can effortlessly be noticed and felt through the skin. Also, breasts that have very big implants can become droopy too early just like naturally big breasts do.

Two choices for the implant placement is subglandular (above the chest muscle) and submuscular(below the chest muscle). There are benefits to them both and picking the correct one is figured out with the help of your surgeon.

Face Lift FAQ's

A facelift, technically called a Rhytidectomy, is a form of cosmetic surgery where the noticeable signs of aging that occurs in the lower two-thirds of the face and neck can be reduced. This is achieved by removing the excess, fat, tightening the neck muscles and removing drooping skin.

Most people requesting surgical face lifts are between the ages of 45 and 60, although there are both younger and older patients. About three-quarters of patients are women, and most are honest about their reasons for desiring surgery. “I just don’t like looking older.” Some patients ask the surgeon to “take a few years off my face.” To many people, a distressing feature of the aging face is the sagging crepe-like neck. “It makes me look so old!”, many patients complain. Many people hope that an operation to rejuvenate their appearance will make them look as young as they feel. As a matter of fact, many people requesting face-lifts say, “Doctor, I’m tired of looking older than I feel!”. They often feel that on the inside they are young and vital, but that somehow their appearances are betraying them. When to have a face-lift is an important question; so is the issue of when not to have surgery. We occasionally see a patient who requests face-lift surgery when there are only minimal signs of aging. While such cases are rare, they do occur. Some people may exaggerate the first signs of aging. Fearful of getting older, they view the most minor facial crease or change in skin tone with undue alarm. In another group of patients, the request for face-lift surgery is coupled with important psychological concerns. Occasionally, men request surgery, fearing they will no longer be able to compete with younger men at the office. This must always be evaluated carefully. There are situations where a youthful appearance is vital for job advancement or to maintain one’s position. Many men, not necessarily fearful of aging, are afraid of losing their jobs to aggressive, younger men. For them (and for many people), self-esteem is tied to their work lives. They must work in order to feel worthwhile, and they need to feel they are successful at their work. These are normal, commonly encountered feelings. Such people may be good candidates for face-lift surgery, provided they are not looking for something unrealistic in the surgery. Occasionally, a patient will have unrealistic expectations about face-lift surgery. A patient may harbor the incorrect notion that a face-lift will not only erase years from his face, but will also turn him into a young dynamo. Unrealistic expectations about the results of facial rejuvenation can only lead to disappointment. A complete consultation will resolve such misunderstandings.


Take into consideration if a facelift is right for you – physically, mentally and emotionally. The ones who get the greatest outcomes are those who have a well-defined bone structure, or whose face and neck have begun to droop, but whose skin still has elasticity. Facelifts have proven successful on those in their 70s and 80s; however the most popular ages for facelifts are in their 40s and 60s. Younger patients may not see the results that the elder patients notice as they have less wrinkles and more skin elasticity, so those under the age of 40 should think realistically before having a facelift. Younger patients may want a consult on a facelift if they have lost a great amount of weight or have genetic problems, as they could possibly be considered a candidate.


Special considerations should be made for Caucasians, African-Americans, Asians, and other ethnic groups as the nose plays a big role for defining ethnicity and social class. It has long been a topic of debate and concern. Individuals do not want to ‘stand out in a crowd’ because of a peculiar shaped or huge nose; nonetheless they want to both unique and “normal”. And so the nose became a chief focal point for the improvement of cosmetic surgery procedures.

After a facelift, many patients are astonished by how small of pain there is after surgery. Usually the inability to breathe through the nose for several days, due to swelling, is the most uncomfortable part of the procedure and typically gets better within one or two weeks. For several weeks, expect some swelling around the eyes; however as the swelling goes away, you’ll begin to see the surgery’s progress. Special safety measures are necessary during your recovery. Bending or lifting can extend swelling and is not suggested for three weeks after surgery. Running, cycling, or exercises should not continue for four weeks. Contact sports should be stopped for six weeks because it can take that long for the bones to totally heal. Driving is permissible when the swelling goes down and does not get in the way of your vision. After two or three weeks you may fly.

Before your scheduled surgery, we will review your medical background to make sure that there are no conditions that will interfere with the surgery or recovery after the facelift. Conditions that may be of concern are: Hypertension (High blood pressure) – specifically if it isn’t under control. Smoking – a person who smokes does not heal as quick as those who do not smoke. You’ll most likely be informed to abstain from smoking for a number of weeks before your surgery. Scarring problems from the past – including keloid scars and hypertrophic scars. Bleeding problems – a history with blood clotting, or lack of clotting must be brought to the attention of your surgeon as well as any medications (including over the counter) you are taking. Also, tell your surgeon about herbs and supplements that you take. Many patients feel it helps to open up their medicine cabinets and make an inventory before they go to see their surgeon. Plan for a ride home after your surgery. Try to arrange for someone to stay with you for the first several days after surgery. Ask your surgeon about a visiting nurse service if you live alone. You may want to stay at an aftercare facility for the first several days after your facelift. You should wear for both surgery and afterward clothing that has front closures (nothing than has to be pulled over your head). Grow out your hair a little longer if your hair is very short, as longer hair will make it simple to conceal healing scars. You should get ready a relaxed spot that you can utilize to recover from your facelift.

If you’ve previously had a facelift and you are not satisfied with the results, then you can get the problems corrected with a revision procedure.

Complications can include a hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may need to be removed), an infection or a reaction to the anesthesia. Injury to underlying structures is possible (though usually temporary) could happen even though the plastic surgeons are trained in techniques for safely manipulating facial skin and tissue. Facelift incisions can be unpredictable depending on the way the patient heals, however most are regularly not noticeable. Listening to the advice from your surgeon can considerably reduce the risks before and after your surgery.

Meant to enhance your current look, a facelift will not halt the signs of aging, however it will ‘set back the clock’. Previous patients usually opt to repeat the surgery after a good 5 to 10 years later. To help prolong your results, there are a few things you can do: maintain your weight, avoid exposure to the sun, and keep your skin appropriately hydrated.

SMAS is short for Submuscular Aponeurotic System, which is a layer of tissue that covers the deeper structures of the cheek area and is associated to the superficial muscle which covers the lower face and neck, called the platysma. Some methods for facelift surgery lift and reposition the SMAS along with the skin. When doing this, the jowls are lifted, the neck is pulled taunt, and the cheeks are prominent.

Rhytidectomy, which comes from the Greek word rhytid meaning wrinkle, is the medical term for facelift surgery.

Most people requesting surgical face lifts are between the ages of 45 and 60, although there are both younger and older patients. About three-quarters of patients are women, and most are honest about their reasons for desiring surgery. “I just don’t like looking older.” Some patients ask the surgeon to “take a few years off my face.” To many people, a distressing feature of the aging face is the sagging crepe-like neck. “It makes me look so old!”, many patients complain. Many people hope that an operation to rejuvenate their appearance will make them look as young as they feel. As a matter of fact, many people requesting face-lifts say, “Doctor, I’m tired of looking older than I feel!”. They often feel that on the inside they are young and vital, but that somehow their appearances are betraying them. When to have a face-lift is an important question; so is the issue of when not to have surgery. We occasionally see a patient who requests face-lift surgery when there are only minimal signs of aging. While such cases are rare, they do occur. Some people may exaggerate the first signs of aging. Fearful of getting older, they view the most minor facial crease or change in skin tone with undue alarm. In another group of patients, the request for face-lift surgery is coupled with important psychological concerns. Occasionally, men request surgery, fearing they will no longer be able to compete with younger men at the office. This must always be evaluated carefully. There are situations where a youthful appearance is vital for job advancement or to maintain one’s position. Many men, not necessarily fearful of aging, are afraid of losing their jobs to aggressive, younger men. For them (and for many people), self-esteem is tied to their work lives. They must work in order to feel worthwhile, and they need to feel they are successful at their work. These are normal, commonly encountered feelings. Such people may be good candidates for face-lift surgery, provided they are not looking for something unrealistic in the surgery. Occasionally, a patient will have unrealistic expectations about face-lift surgery. A patient may harbor the incorrect notion that a face-lift will not only erase years from his face, but will also turn him into a young dynamo. Unrealistic expectations about the results of facial rejuvenation can only lead to disappointment. A complete consultation will resolve such misunderstandings.

Take into consideration if a facelift is right for you – physically, mentally and emotionally. The ones who get the greatest outcomes are those who have a well-defined bone structure, or whose face and neck have begun to droop, but whose skin still has elasticity. Facelifts have proven successful on those in their 70s and 80s; however the most popular ages for facelifts are in their 40s and 60s. Younger patients may not see the results that the elder patients notice as they have less wrinkles and more skin elasticity, so those under the age of 40 should think realistically before having a facelift. Younger patients may want a consult on a facelift if they have lost a great amount of weight or have genetic problems, as they could possibly be considered a candidate.

Special considerations should be made for Caucasians, African-Americans, Asians, and other ethnic groups as the nose plays a big role for defining ethnicity and social class. It has long been a topic of debate and concern. Individuals do not want to ‘stand out in a crowd’ because of a peculiar shaped or huge nose; nonetheless they want to both unique and “normal”. And so the nose became a chief focal point for the improvement of cosmetic surgery procedures.

After a facelift, many patients are astonished by how small of pain there is after surgery. Usually the inability to breathe through the nose for several days, due to swelling, is the most uncomfortable part of the procedure and typically gets better within one or two weeks. For several weeks, expect some swelling around the eyes; however as the swelling goes away, you’ll begin to see the surgery’s progress. Special safety measures are necessary during your recovery. Bending or lifting can extend swelling and is not suggested for three weeks after surgery. Running, cycling, or exercises should not continue for four weeks. Contact sports should be stopped for six weeks because it can take that long for the bones to totally heal. Driving is permissible when the swelling goes down and does not get in the way of your vision. After two or three weeks you may fly.


Before your scheduled surgery, we will review your medical background to make sure that there are no conditions that will interfere with the surgery or recovery after the facelift. Conditions that may be of concern are: Hypertension (High blood pressure) – specifically if it isn’t under control. Smoking – a person who smokes does not heal as quick as those who do not smoke. You’ll most likely be informed to abstain from smoking for a number of weeks before your surgery. Scarring problems from the past – including keloid scars and hypertrophic scars. Bleeding problems – a history with blood clotting, or lack of clotting must be brought to the attention of your surgeon as well as any medications (including over the counter) you are taking. Also, tell your surgeon about herbs and supplements that you take. Many patients feel it helps to open up their medicine cabinets and make an inventory before they go to see their surgeon. Plan for a ride home after your surgery. Try to arrange for someone to stay with you for the first several days after surgery. Ask your surgeon about a visiting nurse service if you live alone. You may want to stay at an aftercare facility for the first several days after your facelift. You should wear for both surgery and afterward clothing that has front closures (nothing than has to be pulled over your head). Grow out your hair a little longer if your hair is very short, as longer hair will make it simple to conceal healing scars. You should get ready a relaxed spot that you can utilize to recover from your facelift.


If you’ve previously had a facelift and you are not satisfied with the results, then you can get the problems corrected with a revision procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

It’s natural to have many questions about cosmetic surgery. Doctors and support staff at Cleveland Clinic Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center are here to answer your questions and review specific cosmetic surgery procedures. Below, find answers to some of your most frequently asked questions about cosmetic surgery and aesthetic procedures. Remember that your physician is best able to answer questions and elaborate based on his or her evaluation of your needs.

Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by health insurance because it is elective. Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. In general, reconstructive surgery is performed to improve function, but may also be completed to approximate a normal appearance. Reconstructive surgery is typically covered by most health insurance policies, although coverage for specific procedures and levels of coverage may vary greatly.


Each patient tolerates pain after surgery in different ways. Your surgeon will prescribe the appropriate pain medications to help minimize any discomfort. In general, most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort post-operatively. Liposuction is slightly more uncomfortable, and operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles-such as an abdominoplasty or breast augmentation can cause discomfort equal to a C-section.

Most elective surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, but if emergency hospitalization becomes necessary, you want to be sure that you can be admitted quickly for appropriate care.

It’s important to learn about the safety of a plastic surgery procedure, as well as the expected outcome. Although thousands of people have plastic surgery every year without complications, no surgical procedure is risk-free.

Restylane® is very effective in smoothing out and filling in bothersome wrinkles and lines, particularly in the lower part of the face. It has several advantages over other filler-type materials such as collagen; it lasts longer and causes very little adverse reaction. It is easy to administer (injected through a small needle), and once its effectiveness has diminished six months to a year later, the body safely absorbs it. Restylane® and Botox® (botulinum toxin) often are used in a complementary fashion. While Restylane® is best for the lower face, Botox® is great for wrinkles that occur in the upper face – crow’s feet or the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows – because it paralyzes muscle and nerve endings, stopping the skin from wrinkling.

Botox® lasts about three to four months, and the treatment can be repeated as needed. When it wears off, you will begin to notice increased muscle action and some reformation of the wrinkles. It appears that with repeated use, the effect of Botox® becomes longer lasting. Restylane® injections last for about six months, and can also be repeated as needed.

The decision is based on a number of factors, including the patient’s desires, reasons for the surgery and overall health. For example, are you doing it because you feel your breasts are too small relative to your body contour or are you unhappy with the size and firmness of your breasts following pregnancy, breastfeeding or major weight loss? Unevenness between the breasts can also be a motivating factor. Your surgeon can help you make the right decision during your pre-surgical appointment(s).

A few patients notice small change in their voice after rhinoplasty but this is uncommon. Professionals who rely on their voice, such as singers, should share any concerns with their surgeon, however, because the nose does play a role in how we sound.

A complete pretesting series of appointments is done prior to any surgery.

Yes, tumescent liposuction, a technique that results in less bruising, less swelling and a quicker recovery than older traditional methods of liposuction, is routinely performed at Cleveland Clinic Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center. Tumescent liposuction uses a large volume of dilute epinephrine to cause intense constriction of the small blood vessels, which leads to less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.

Each patient tolerates pain after surgery in different ways. Your surgeon will prescribe the appropriate pain medications to help minimize any discomfort. In general, most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort post-operatively. Liposuction is slightly more uncomfortable, and operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles-such as an abdominoplasty or breast augmentation can cause discomfort equal to a C-section.

Most elective surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, but if emergency hospitalization becomes necessary, you want to be sure that you can be admitted quickly for appropriate care.

Hair Transplants FAQ's

The tendency towards male pattern balding is genetic and can be inherited from either the mother or father. While there are several causes of hair loss, nearly 95% of all hair loss is caused by a condition known as “androgenetic alopecia”.

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common form of hair loss and is known more readily in men as “male pattern baldness”. It is a progressive disease which, once begun, worsens with age. There are several factors which lead to the onset of this condition, including genetics, age, and the presence of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Botox® lasts about three to four months, and the treatment can be repeated as needed. When it wears off, you will begin to notice increased muscle action and some reformation of the wrinkles. It appears that with repeated use, the effect of Botox® becomes longer lasting. Restylane® injections last for about six months, and can also be repeated as needed.

Hair transplantation has actually been around for quite awhile. For over 40 years, balding men and women have been turning to variations of this procedure, and finding successful results. However, the procedure is now better than ever. Heightened understandings of growth patterns and advancements in follicular unit grafting techniques have helped to produce remarkably natural results. Even in the most extreme balding patterns, a permanent ‘wreath’ of hair exists on the sides and back of the head (Donor Hair). This hair is unaffected by the balding process. Once transplanted, this hair behaves as it was programmed to behave in the original area it came from and will grow naturally for the rest of your life.


Since hair loss does not place age restrictions on who it hits, there is no limit on when you can begin treating it. Patients actually range from 21-80 years old. If you are noticing hair loss at a young age, you are encouraged to address it sooner than later. Getting a head start, while you still have quite a bit of naturally growing hair, will help your surgeon more successfully cover the work while newly transplanted hair gradually grows in. What’s more, there’s really no reason to wait to treat your hair loss, since it’s not a condition that just stops at any certain age. It’s an ongoing process around which your surgical restoration can be customized. Hair loss surgery helps you stay ahead of your hairline

If you have been determined to be a candidate for restoration, and if you are uncomfortable with your hair loss, why not start now? With your restoration completed, you can get on with life without this distraction.

We will suggest how many grafts may be available for your first procedure (and subsequent procedures if they will be needed). This number will be based on your present balding pattern, what it may become in the future, and how much donor hair is available. When an individual has high donor density, the follicular units usually contain multiple hairs, and when an individual has low donor density the follicular units often contain only one hair. If an individual has a very loose scalp, a larger donor strip can be removed, while an individual with a tight scalp will have a smaller donor strip. When an individual has a relatively small amount of hair that can be moved, we take great pains to distribute the available hair in ways that produce the best coverage.

In a single procedure, we can perform as many as 3000 grafts, depending of course upon the quality of the donor hair. However, 2200 or so grafts is more common as most patients neither require nor desire more. However a 2000 – 2200 graft session (approx. 4500 hair) is more common as most patients neither require nor desire more.

For men with advanced degrees of hair loss, the goal is typically to perform the maximum number of grafts that the donor site will permit. In general, this can range from 1,900 grafts to as many as 2,800. As soon as five months following the original procedure, patients will often undergo a second procedure to provide further coverage.

Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels and decreased blood flow to the scalp, predominantly due to its nicotine content. The carbon monoxide in smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. These factors may contribute to poor wound healing after a hair transplant and can increase the chance of a wound infection and scarring. Smoking may also contribute to poor hair growth. The deleterious effects of smoking wear off slowly when one abstains, particularly in chronic smokers, so that smoking puts one at risk to poor healing even after smoking is stopped for weeks or even months. Although it is not known exactly how long one should avoid smoking before and after a hair transplant a common recommendation is to abstain from 1 week prior to surgery to 2 weeks after the procedure.

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common form of hair loss and is known more readily in men as “male pattern baldness”. It is a progressive disease which, once begun, worsens with age. There are several factors which lead to the onset of this condition, including genetics, age, and the presence of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Hair transplantation involves the movement of hair from an area of greater density and fullness in the back of your scalp to an area of hair loss in the front, top or crown. Women who have generalized thinning (Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia) have hair that is thin all over the head, and it may not be beneficial to transplant hair that has been weakened by the balding process. When hair is transplanted into a part of the scalp that is thin, but not completely bald, there is a risk that some of the hair that is weak will not regrow in its new location. There is also the possibility that the hair in the recipient area is more fragile and some or all of the original hair in this area may be lost. This process is called “telogen effluvium” and when it occurs, it is usually reversible in a 3-6 month time frame when the hair that has been lost has been weakened by balding. Also, when the donor area continues to thin, then the transplanted hair will also thin over time, since it came from the same area. In hair transplantation, as in all surgical procedures, it is important to balance the potential gain against the possible risks when making a decision to go forward with the treatment.

While Finasteride ( to be taken orally)and Minoxidil (for topical application)have been proven to regrow hair, they will not grow all your hair back. Unfortunately, they tend to fall short of many patients’ expectation with a higher grade of hair loss. Their greatest benefit seems to be in slowing down hair loss.It becomes repeatedly apparent that the best route for Finasteride and Minoxidil is as a complement to a hair transplant. They provide the ideal enhancement for the results of hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation has actually been around for quite awhile. For over 40 years, balding men and women have been turning to variations of this procedure, and finding successful results. However, the procedure is now better than ever. Heightened understandings of growth patterns and advancements in follicular unit grafting techniques have helped to produce remarkably natural results. Even in the most extreme balding patterns, a permanent ‘wreath’ of hair exists on the sides and back of the head (Donor Hair). This hair is unaffected by the balding process. Once transplanted, this hair behaves as it was programmed to behave in the original area it came from and will grow naturally for the rest of your life.

Since hair loss does not place age restrictions on who it hits, there is no limit on when you can begin treating it. Patients actually range from 21-80 years old. If you are noticing hair loss at a young age, you are encouraged to address it sooner than later. Getting a head start, while you still have quite a bit of naturally growing hair, will help your surgeon more successfully cover the work while newly transplanted hair gradually grows in. What’s more, there’s really no reason to wait to treat your hair loss, since it’s not a condition that just stops at any certain age. It’s an ongoing process around which your surgical restoration can be customized. Hair loss surgery helps you stay ahead of your hairline.

If you have been determined to be a candidate for restoration, and if you are uncomfortable with your hair loss, why not start now? With your restoration completed, you can get on with life without this distraction.

We will suggest how many grafts may be available for your first procedure (and subsequent procedures if they will be needed). This number will be based on your present balding pattern, what it may become in the future, and how much donor hair is available. When an individual has high donor density, the follicular units usually contain multiple hairs, and when an individual has low donor density the follicular units often contain only one hair. If an individual has a very loose scalp, a larger donor strip can be removed, while an individual with a tight scalp will have a smaller donor strip. When an individual has a relatively small amount of hair that can be moved, we take great pains to distribute the available hair in ways that produce the best coverage.


In a single procedure, we can perform as many as 3000 grafts, depending of course upon the quality of the donor hair. However, 2200 or so grafts is more common as most patients neither require nor desire more. However a 2000 – 2200 graft session (approx. 4500 hair) is more common as most patients neither require nor desire more.

For men with advanced degrees of hair loss, the goal is typically to perform the maximum number of grafts that the donor site will permit. In general, this can range from 1,900 grafts to as many as 2,800. As soon as five months following the original procedure, patients will often undergo a second procedure to provide further coverage.

Liposuction FAQ's

The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The liposuction cannula, typically connected to a powerful suction pump, is inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin, and fat is removed by suction as the cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fat. During the healing process after liposuction, these tiny tunnels shrink and disappear, resulting in an improved body contour.

Some offices use different names which mean the same thing. You may hear words such as “lipoplasty” “liposuction” or “suction lipectomy” — they all mean the same thing. Procedure can be eased by help of SAL, UAL and power liposuction.

A good candidate for liposuction is defined as any patient who is likely to be happy with the results of liposuction. The best candidates for liposuction are in good health and have realistic expectations of what liposuction can accomplish. Liposuction can provide a good candidate with a significant improvement, but it is unlikely to achieve perfection. There is no definite age or weight limit for patients who are “good candidates” for liposuction. Many liposuction patients are of average size but are concerned about localized accumulations of fat. However, some of the happiest patients have been individuals who are somewhat obese. A good candidate usually has one or more localized accumulations of fat that can be removed by liposuction.

A person who expects absolute perfection is not a good candidate for liposuction. Excessively obese patients are usually not good candidates for liposuction. A person who has a serious medical problem is not a good candidate for liposuction.

Many areas of the face and body can receive liposuction. The common areas are the cheeks, chin, neck, upper arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

Yes. We will discuss what procedures may be performed at the same time while still being safe. Many patients will opt to have liposuction and breast augmentation surgery OR liposuction and tummy tuck surgery at the same time. Combination or “Makeover” surgeries can give dramatic results.

Liposuction is not a good treatment of obesity. Liposuction is not effective, even as a last resort, for people who are unable to lose weight by dieting and exercise. Obese patients almost always regain the weight that is removed by liposuction unless there is a dramatic reduction in calorie intake (by dieting) or a significant increase in calorie expenditure (by exercising). Whenever large-volume liposuction has been used in an attempt to treat obesity by surgery, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of serious surgical complications. It is not safe to remove huge amounts of fat by liposuction. It is dangerous to remove more than 8 to 10 litres of fat by liposuction in a single day. Thus, liposuction will not be of any significant benefit for an obese patient who believes that liposuction will aid in the effort to lose weight.On the other hand, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem-areas of fat may be a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction in an obese patient is reasonable when the goal is to improve a troublesome body contour area. It is not reasonable to use liposuction as a surgical technique for weight loss.

A liposuction surgery is a success when the patient is happy with the results. The surgeon’s goal is to obtain an optimal aesthetic result rather than to maximize the amount of fat removed. One of the most common causes for disappointment in the results of liposuction surgery is the removal of too much fat, which produces an abnormal or unusual appearance. The cosmetic success of a liposuction surgery is often the result of removing an amount of fat equivalent to less than a pound or two of butter from a woman’s saddlebag area or from a man’s love handle area. While this amount of fat is relatively small compared to a person’s total body weight, it does produce a dramatic change in the patient’s silhouette.

Liposuction improves the silhouette of the body, but does not necessarily eliminate the pre-existing subtle “puckering” of the skin that is often referred to as “cellulite.” Liposuction does reduce the degree of cellulite to a minor degree but it is unlikely to produce a significant improvement or to completely eliminate cellulite.

Liposuction improves the silhouette of the body, but does not necessarily eliminate the pre-existing subtle “puckering” of the skin that is often referred to as “cellulite.” Liposuction does reduce the degree of cellulite to a minor degree but it is unlikely to produce a significant improvement or to completely eliminate cellulite.

After liposuction the body’s new shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is permanent. Of course after liposuction the clock keeps ticking, and advancing age will produce the usual changes in the shape of the body associated with the aging process. If a person gains weight after liposuction, she/he will not accumulate as much fat in the treated areas as would have happened if liposuction had not been done

If a patient does not gain weight after liposuction, then fat does not accumulate in other areas of the body. However, if a patient gains a significant amount of weight, say more than 10 pounds (5 kg), after liposuction, then the fat must go somewhere. In fact, the fat accumulates in every area of the body in proportion to the amount of fat cells in each area. Areas where fat cells have been removed by liposuction will accumulate relatively little fat, while areas not treated by liposuction will collect relatively more fat. For example, if a woman gains weight after liposuction of her hips, outer thighs, and abdomen, then most of the fat will be deposited elsewhere such as the woman’s breasts, face, back and legs.

A good candidate for liposuction is defined as any patient who is likely to be happy with the results of liposuction. The best candidates for liposuction are in good health and have realistic expectations of what liposuction can accomplish. Liposuction can provide a good candidate with a significant improvement, but it is unlikely to achieve perfection. There is no definite age or weight limit for patients who are “good candidates” for liposuction. Many liposuction patients are of average size but are concerned about localized accumulations of fat. However, some of the happiest patients have been individuals who are somewhat obese. A good candidate usually has one or more localized accumulations of fat that can be removed by liposuction.

A person who expects absolute perfection is not a good candidate for liposuction. Excessively obese patients are usually not good candidates for liposuction. A person who has a serious medical problem is not a good candidate for liposuction.

Many areas of the face and body can receive liposuction. The common areas are the cheeks, chin, neck, upper arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

Yes. We will discuss what procedures may be performed at the same time while still being safe. Many patients will opt to have liposuction and breast augmentation surgery OR liposuction and tummy tuck surgery at the same time. Combination or “Makeover” surgeries can give dramatic results.

Liposuction is not a good treatment of obesity. Liposuction is not effective, even as a last resort, for people who are unable to lose weight by dieting and exercise. Obese patients almost always regain the weight that is removed by liposuction unless there is a dramatic reduction in calorie intake (by dieting) or a significant increase in calorie expenditure (by exercising). Whenever large-volume liposuction has been used in an attempt to treat obesity by surgery, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of serious surgical complications. It is not safe to remove huge amounts of fat by liposuction. It is dangerous to remove more than 8 to 10 litres of fat by liposuction in a single day. Thus, liposuction will not be of any significant benefit for an obese patient who believes that liposuction will aid in the effort to lose weight.On the other hand, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem-areas of fat may be a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction in an obese patient is reasonable when the goal is to improve a troublesome body contour area. It is not reasonable to use liposuction as a surgical technique for weight loss.


After liposuction the body’s new shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is permanent. Of course after liposuction the clock keeps ticking, and advancing age will produce the usual changes in the shape of the body associated with the aging process. If a person gains weight after liposuction, she/he will not accumulate as much fat in the treated areas as would have happened if liposuction had not been done.


Tummy Tuck FAQ's

Abdominoplasty, also known as a “Tummy Tuck” or simply “TT”, is the surgery of the abdomen to remove the excess skin and fat that may accumulate after pregnancy, obesity or age. With a full abdominoplasty, benefits are also tightening of the abdominal muscles that may have become stretched out or lax over time. Even a new belly button can be obtained as a result to go along with your new, taut stomach! This isn’t a simple procedure and you should definitely be aware of the risks and post-operative care and attendance that will be needed.

First and foremost, an individual must be in good health, not have any active diseases or serious, pre-existing medical conditions and must have realistic expectations of the outcome of their surgery. Communication is crucial in reaching one’s goals. You must be able to voice your desires to your surgeon if he/she is to understand what your desired results are. Discuss you goals with us so that you may reach an understanding with what can realistically be achieved.You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo an cosmetic procedure. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. There is sometimes a lull or depression after surgery and if there is already a pre-existing emotional problem, this low period can develop into a more serious issue. Please consider this before committing to a procedure. If the above describes you and you have the desire to rid yourself of loose sagging skin of the abdominal area, you may be a good candidate for Abdominoplasty. An “ideal” patient would have incredibly elastic skin. But, of course, we human beings are never ideal. But good elasticity certainly helps! Normally women seek this procedure after pregnancy – although it is advised to wait until you are finished having children to have this procedure as the skin and muscles can get stretched out again as well as the dangers of your newly taut skin being unable to accommodate another pregnancy. Also, if you are considering losing weight you should wait until after your desired weight is met. You may need additional surgery to remove the excess skin after you have lost the desired weight which would mean that the money spent on the previous abdominoplasty would be wasted and your skin can only be stretched so much.

Unfortunately no. Exercise is good for the mind and body in general, and toning the muscles can help fill out loose skin in the vicinity. By suppressing the appetite, and by slightly increasing the metabolism, exercise can assist weight loss. But there is no such thing as a “spot” exercise, to make the body lose weight in a certain area, nor to make the skin tighter. Excercise can increase muscle bulk, and that in turn can make skin look tighter in some areas, but exercise cannot tighten the loose abdominal skin. To date, only surgery can accomplish that


While Finasteride ( to be taken orally)and Minoxidil (for topical application)have been proven to regrow hair, they will not grow all your hair back. Unfortunately, they tend to fall short of many patients’ expectation with a higher grade of hair loss. Their greatest benefit seems to be in slowing down hair loss.It becomes repeatedly apparent that the best route for Finasteride and Minoxidil is as a complement to a hair transplant. They provide the ideal enhancement for the results of hair transplantation.


There is nothing mystical or special about “cellulite”, it is just fat, but it is fat located just under the skin, making a rippled look that is quite apparent. Abdominoplasty removes some of this cellulite fat also, but it is difficult to eliminate entirely. Weight loss by dieting is the best way. Sometimes, these skin irregularities can become more noticeable after abdominoplasty.

Stretch marks are scars. They are produced by distension of the skin, but only in situations in which there are various hormones circulating, as in pregnancy and puberty. Those stretch marks located on the lower abdomen (below the umbilicus) will be removed with the extra skin. Those located on the upper abdomen will be shifted downward as the skin is brought downward. The stretch marks that remain are tightened and smoothed out somewhat. Even in the most extreme balding patterns, a permanent ‘wreath’ of hair exists on the sides and back of the head (Donor Hair). This hair is unaffected by the balding process. Once transplanted, this hair behaves as it was programmed to behave in the original area it came from and will grow naturally for the rest of your life.

Yes, that is one of the main purposes of abdominoplasty

The Abdominoplasty procedure is usually performed when a person is discontent with their appearance in the abdomen region. Although there is no “normal” age or time in one’s life (after 18), it is most often sought out after a woman has given birth and does not plan on having any more children. The reason that not having additional children is an important factor is that after the extra skin and muscle tissue is removed, the abdomen may not be able to accommodate another child. The skin could quite literally “split”. Although this probability will be individual-dependent. Mini tummy tucks are considered less invasive and are for minimal correction cases.

The different techniques pertaining to Abdominoplasty consist of the different incision shapes and placement. Most surgeons attempt to place the incisions in the most inconspicuous area. Some surgeons go completely horizontal and straight across, some use a ‘V’ shape, some a ‘W’ shape and still others follow along the bikini line. The incision will be marked and agreed upon with you during the pre op consultation. In our opinion an incision following the bikini line is the optimum for concealment purposes although your body’s needs will determine the incision placement.


You are usually able to walk immediately after surgery and is in fact encouraged to do so 3 or 4 times per day for 1-2 minutes each time. However, you will more than likely not be able to stand up straight – more of a hunched over type of posture. The skin of the abdomen will be quite tight and you are usually instructed to remain bent over at least 45 degrees for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery. Patients will often note some back discomfort due to the 45 degree positioning for 4-5 days after surgery. We will prescribe muscle relaxants and pain relief medications for the same. The drains that have been placed will generally be removed 4 to14 days after surgery. At the end of 4 days the patient may begin to straighten up and by six days post-op may or may not be fully straight. You should take it easy for at least two weeks after surgery. While the drains are in, you will be on bed rest with a very small amount of walking as outline above. However if your drains are in for an extended amount of time, you will of course not be expected to sit in bed all day. An abdominal pressure garment will be placed around you during one of your post-operative appointments and you will be instructed to wear this for 3 to 6 weeks. Some swelling and discoloration are normal but generally this is minimal. Of course this is dependent upon the individual